
Minute Hacks: Revolutionise your productivity in lockdown with 3 easy steps

Welcome to this new format! Minute Hacks is a series of short contents that will allow you to revolutionise your life in a minute.

In this article, I want to share with you how to revolutionise your productivity in lockdown, here is how I did it just by applying 3 easy steps.

Step 1: Time Management

Step 2: Focus

Step 3: Creative Learning

How to revolutionise your productivity in lockdown with 3 easy steps

Step 1: Time Management

revolutionise productivity in lockdown
Photo by Estée Janssens on Unsplash

Know how to control and manage your time is one of the key elements to achieve in order to optimize your productivity. For this reason, I do use a technique called Pomodoro. It consists in dividing the working hours into slots of 25 minutes, called Pomodori, at the end of each 25 minutes slot you can enjoy a break of 5 minutes. After you managed to successfully complete 4 Pomodori (2 hours of work) it is recommended to enjoy a longer break of about 15-30 minutes.

There are many online tools and apps that can help you to track your time. Personally, I have been using a Google Chrome extension that is called Marinara and it allows you to focus on your task without having to worry to lose the count of your Pomodori. Of course, this is not the only option, in fact, as I said before it is plenty of solutions and even a normal timer can do the job.

Step 2: Focus

revolutionise productivity in lockdown

Photo by Simon Abrams

During these days of lockdown, it is really hard to maintain a high level of focus. If we live in environments with many noises, as many domestic environments are, keeping our focus high becomes even a bigger challenge. That is why one of the keys to increase the level of concentration while working or studying at home is the isolation from the external environment. To do so, I love to put my headphones on and to listen to some playlists that are composed with this specific purpose. Personally, I do prefer the ones with background noises (mainly trains), that are perfect to optimize your focus without generating any distractions. Those playlists are widely available on all the major music streaming platforms such as Spotify, Apple Music etc… but also on YouTube. Alternatively, one of the websites I do use often that is called Noisli.com and it allows you to fully customise your background noises and playlists.

Step 3: Creative Learning

revolutionise productivity in lockdown

Photo by Jordan Whitfield

In a particular situation like the one we are living, home routine and the lack of social interaction may lower our creativity, that is why it is fundamental to keep our motivation high. Usually, between one task and another, it is strongly suggested to increase our motivation by changing activities or by learning new things. That is the reason why during all this lockdown, to keep up my motivation, I have been using different online learning services, that are allowing me to study new arguments (to improve my economics or my photoshop skills) or to learn new things such as new languages. The internet is always a perfect tool to stimulate your curiosity and to increase your motivation.

Here there are some websites offering free learning courses:

Those were the 3 easy steps to revolutionise your productivity in lockdown, developed during years of work as a digital nomad, that are allowing me to optimize my productivity. If you know other tips that may be interesting to include, please leave a comment!


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