The Sustainable Tour

Introducing The Sustainable Tour

Started in late 2016, after more than two years of activity is time for GiovFranco.com to change and evolve. After the success of the project of The Sustainable Tours, we decided to modify and redesign our brand identity to keep up the pace with the dynamic and extremely fast change of the digital world but also to better express our goal and our identity. That is why I am proud to announce you The Sustainable Tour.

The Sustainable Tour

The Sustainable Tour

What is The Sustainable Tour?

The Sustainable Tour is a digital media project that has as main goal the promotion of Sustainable and Smart Tourism. Our motto life is a journey, make it Sustainable it is the best way to express our idea and what is the brand identity. We are committed towards the research and promotion of an innovative and more sustainable way of travel. Our mission is to prove that is possible to travel with a lower impact on the carbon footprint. Sustainable Travel for us means:

  • to travel in a smart way;
  • to support local communities;
  • to eat local and km 0 food ;
  • to respect nature.

We want to prove that it is possible to discover Countries and Cities with a type of tourism based on the exploration of alternative destinations and on the adventure, being at the same time slow & sustainable. All the contents are produced both in Italian and in English in order to reach more audience and to better spread our message.

The Sustainable Tour Team

I will not be alone any longer in this adventure. In fact, two friends are jumping in this new project so let me introduce you the team:

The Sustainable Tour

Blogger and Photographer, he has only one goal: discover the world. The Sustainable Tour is the main tool for success. Favourite book: 1984, Gorge Orwell

The Sustainable Tour

Half videomaker, half computer engineer. His duality is strength from his zodiacal sign: Gemini. Favourite book: The Cloven Viscount⁣ ?


We are not only a team, but we are also friends ready to prove that sustainable tourism is possible and that everybody could do it. If you want to travel like us, welcome to the family!

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The Sustainable Tour

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