T-App: Grabbd. Horrible restaurants? Bye bye!
Today, I would like to introduce Grabbd – Your Foodie Network for best restaurants:
It is a social network where you can share, immediately, your favorite restaurants while you are at home or abroad.
40.000 km, 37 flights for only 500 euro
37 flights in one year is not so an easy job, it means to take 0,7 planes a week. How I did it? Where are the secrets? There are no secrets. I could achieve this goal thanks to several factors, first of all, is my passion for travel. This passion plus some good dose of patience […]
Weekend LOWCOST in Copenaghen. How to survive.
Articolo in Italiano qui Scene: Hot afternoon in Milan, I couldn’t go out because it was still too warm so I started to look on Ryanair website and there I found an irresistible deal: A flight from Milan Bergamo to Copenhagen, Friday to Monday, for just 30 Euro both ways. Amazing. Copenhagen Airport There are […]
Summer Tour
After I have graduated I decided that it was time to have the best holiday of my life, as a prize. So, I started to plan. First I tought to travel to some place I’ve not been yet in Europe. My first idea was an Interrail trip around Balcans, so I started to check prices […]